Primary Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
Primary Contact Email
Primary Contact Phone/Text
Organizational Details
PC(USA) – Presbyterian Church (USA)
African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)
American Baptist Churches (ABC-USA)
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Episcopal Church (TEC)
Evangelical Covenant Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS)
Free Methodist Church
Interdenominational / Ecumenical Organization
Mennonite Church USA
Moravian Church in America
Non-Denominational Christian
Progressive Baptist Churches
Reformed Church in America (RCA)
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)
United Church of Christ (UCC)
United Methodist Church (UMC)
Quakers (Friends General Conference, Friends United Meeting, etc.)
Other: Denomination
Team Size
1 - 10
11 - 50
51 - 100
101 - 500
Country Location if In-Person Event:
United States
Not Applicable - No Travel Required
Other (please specify)
Other: Country Location
Event Location:
Church Sanctuary
Corporate Setting
Event Center
Hybrid on Location
Retreat Center
Virtual Live
Virtual Pre-Recorded Content
Other: Event Location
Type of Program or Service Requested
Check All That Apply
Women in Ministry Leadership Retreat (Burnout, Boundaries & Resilience)
Clergy & Church Leadership Development (Conflict, Change, & Sustainability)
Millennial & Next-Gen Pastors (Practical Ministry & Leadership Challenges)
Seminary Student & Emerging Leaders Training (Real-World Ministry Readiness)
Navigating Church Conflict, Dysfunction, & Family Systems (Healing Divisions & Strengthening Leadership)
Spiritual & Emotional Resilience for Clergy (Trauma-Informed Ministry & Self-Care)
The Future of Church Leadership (Ministry in a Declining Church Landscape)
Custom Keynote or Workshop (Specify Topic Below)
Other (Please Specify Below)
Other: Type of Program Requested
Other: Custom Keynote or Workshop
Program Duration
Check All That Apply
Custom Duration (Please Specify Below)
Half-Day Team Workshop
Full-Day Team Training
Keynote (60-90 minutes) Multi Session
Keynote (60-90 minutes) Single
Leadership Specific Workshop (Half-Day or Full-Day)
Multi-day retreat (2–3 Weekdays)
Multi-Session Virtual Series Live
Multi-Session Virtual Series Pre-Recorded
Single-Session Virtual Series Live
Single -Session Virtual Series Pre-Recorded
Team Teaching - Add Me to Your Team
Weekend Retreat (2-3 Days)
12-Week Group Coaching Program
12-Week Individual Coaching Program
Other (Please Specify Below)
Other: Custom Program Duration
Which Program Aligns with Your Needs?
Check All That Apply
Custom Retreat (Multi-Day)
Hybrid Format (Virtual & In-Person Components)
In-Person Keynote or Training Session
Leadership Workshop (Half-Day or Full-Day)
Pre-Recorded Content
Virtual Training Series Live
Other (Please Specify Below)
Other: Which program aligns with your needs?
Primary Goals for This Program
Check All That Apply
Church Leadership & Conflict Resolution Training
Developing Healthy Boundaries in Ministry
Equipping New & Emerging Ministers for Sustainable Leadership
Navigating Institutional Change & Congregational Dynamics
Preventing Clergy Burnout & Building Resilience
Strengthening Women in Ministry Leadership
Trauma-Informed Spiritual Care for Clergy
Other (Please Specify Below)
Other: Primary Goals for This Program
What are the biggest struggles or pain points for your clergy, leadership, students, teams, or congregation right now?
Check All That Apply
Clergy Burnout & Mental Exhaustion – Pastors and leaders are emotionally, spiritually, and physically depleted.
Church Conflict & Dysfunctional Leadership Structures – Ongoing divisions, power struggles, or lack of accountability are creating tension.
Declining Membership & Congregational Engagement – Attendance and participation are dropping, and it’s hard to re-engage people.
Gender Bias & Challenges for Women in Leadership – Women clergy facing resistance, microaggressions, or exclusion from key leadership roles.
Interpersonal Conflict & Perceived Toxic Church Culture – A culture of criticism, passive-aggressiveness, or unresolved conflict is draining leadership energy.
Lack of Boundaries & Work-Life Balance – Pastors and staff are struggling to set limits, leading to resentment and burnout.
Navigating Change & Resistance to Adaptation – Struggles with transitioning leadership, evolving worship styles, or modernizing ministry approaches.
Overworked & Understaffed Clergy & Church Teams – Staff and volunteers are stretched too thin, leading to exhaustion.
Theological & Political Divisions in the Congregation – Polarization over social issues, doctrine, or denominational decisions is causing rifts.
Other (Please Specify)
Other: What are the biggest struggles or pain points for your clergy, leadership, students, teams, or congregation right now?
Preferred Start Date or Timeline:
Within 1–3 months
Within 3–6 months
Within 6-9 months
Within 9-12 months
12 months +
Flexible timeline
Other (please specify):
Other: Custom Preferred Start Date or Timeline
Will your organization cover travel expenses for in-person engagements?
Yes, all travel and accommodations will be covered.
Yes, partially covered
No, looking for virtual options
Estimated Budget for This Program:
< $5,000
$5,000 - $10,000
Custom Budget – Let’s Discuss
Will your organization require invoices or additional documentation before confirmation?
Yes, a formal invoice is required
No, payment can be processed upon agreement
Pre-Retreat Equipment & Resource Assessment
To ensure a smooth and fully equipped experience, please indicate which of the following resources your church or venue can provide. This helps us determine any additional equipment or materials I may need to bring to best serve your group.
Audio/Visual (A/V) & Technology Setup (Check all that apply)
Apple/Mac-Compatible Connection for Presentations (If not, what type of connection is required?)
Handheld Microphone(s) Corded
Handheld Microphone(s) Wireless
Laptop Available for Speaker Use (Mac/PC) or Bring My Own? (If provided, what system?)
Lavalier Mic (Clip-On Wireless Microphone)
Microphone Stand
Podium with Built-in Mic Setup
Sound System / PA System
Speakers with Bluetooth or Aux Connection
Projector & Large Screen (For Keynote Presentations, Workshops, etc.)
Tech / A/V Team Available to Assist? (If yes, during which sessions?)
TV or Large Monitor with HDMI/USB-C Capability (For slides, videos, or visuals)
Other Additional A/V & Tech Resources
Not Applicable
Additional: A/V & Tech Resources Information
Is there anything else we should know about your A/V & Tech resources, expectations, or needs?
Lighting & Room Setup (Check all that apply)
Adjustable Stage or Room Lighting (Dimmer control, spotlights, or natural light options?)
Break-out Rooms or Small-Group Areas
Designated Speaker Area (Podium, Small Stage, etc.)
Flexible Seating Arrangements (Circle, Classroom Style, Small Groups, etc.)
Room and/or Stage/ Chancel/ Platform Dividers/Curtains for Flexible Space
Tables for Group Activities (If applicable)
Other Additional Lighting & Setup Resources
Not Applicable
Additional: Lighting & Set Up Resources Information
Is there anything else we should know about your lighting & set up resources, expectations, or needs?
Whiteboards, Visual Aids & Writing Materials (Check all that apply)
Easels for Visuals / Displays
Large Post-it Wall Pads or Butcher Paper for Group Work
Large Whiteboard & Markers (For Interactive Teaching & Brainstorming)
Other Resources
Not Applicable
Additional: Whiteboards, Visual Aids & Writing Materials Resources Information
Is there anything else we should know about your Whiteboards, Visual Aids & Writing Materials resources, expectations, or needs?
Wellness & Engagement Resources (Optional Activities & Self-Care Stations)
Art Supplies for Self-Care Activities (E.g., rock painting, journaling, creative reflection exercises, etc.)
Music / Worship Support (If Applicable) (Live musicians, playlist setup, instruments, or sound capabilities?)
Quiet Room or Reflection Space Available? (For meditation, prayer, or quiet breaks)
Small Group Breakout Spaces Available? (Separate rooms or designated areas?)
Table Space for Hands-On Activities (If applicable to the retreat theme)
Not Applicable
Additional: Wellness & Engagement Resources Information
Is there anything else we should know about your Wellness & Engagement Resources, expectations, or needs?
How Did You Hear About My Coaching & Retreat Programs?
Email List
Podcast (specify episode if possible)
Referral (friend, colleague, or client, please specify)
Social Media (LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. please specify)
Speaking event/workshop
Other How did you hear about my coaching services?
✔ I understand that this application is part of a selection process and that coaching is a professional relationship, not a substitute for legal, medical, or mental health advice.
✔ By booking services with The Charlie Hornes Coaching Studio, LLC, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms and Conditions. You also acknowledge the refund and cancellation policies outlined herein.
✔ I acknowledge that this retreat or training is customized based on our needs and requires planning and preparation. Last minute changes or requests may not be adhered to.
✔ I confirm that the information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Yes, I acknowledge
Terms and Conditions
Acknowledgment and Agreement that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions
You can find this at:
By booking services with The Charlie Hornes Coaching Studio, LLC, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms and Conditions. You also acknowledge the refund and cancellation policies outlined herein.
For questions, cancellations, or refunds, contact us at:
Yes, I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions
Please type your legal name in acknowledgement as the primary contact for your Organization