Preparing for the Holiday Stress Storm: Leadership Lessons from Mayor Mary Dennis

Don't read this blog unless you want some joy, tears, laughter, and solutions, my friend... let's go! ~ C

Preparing for the Holiday Stress Storm: Leadership Lessons from Mayor Mary Dennis

Hey, friend.

I get it—life is busy right now, isn’t it? The pre-holiday season for many is creeping in faster than we realize. And with it comes that familiar sense of dread.   Because I know you know what I’m talking about… the endless commitments, tight deadlines, and social obligations that seem to pile up faster than grandma’s holiday casseroles.

For a lot of us, the holiday season brings:

  • Stress that feels like it’s never-ending

  • Deadlines that seem impossible to meet

  • Family gatherings that, if we’re honest, feel more like obligations than fun

  • The constant pressure to be everything to everyone

Let’s face it—this season is a perfect storm for people-pleasers, overthinkers, and anyone who tends to struggle with self-doubt. And don’t even get me started on the financial stress, the time crunches, and the emotional exhaustion.

But here’s the thing.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

What if This Year Could Be Different?

Imagine for a moment what it would feel like to:

  • Glide through the holidays with calm, clarity, and confidence.

  • Set boundaries without feeling guilty.

  • Truly enjoy yourself instead of being on the verge of burnout by New Year’s.

I’m not saying the chaos will disappear.

It probably won’t.

Does it ever?

But what if you could handle it all in a way that didn’t leave you feeling depleted and overwhelmed?

It’s not a pipe dream—it’s totally possible.

In this week’s podcast episode, I had the honor of sitting down with Mayor Mary Dennis, a powerhouse leader who’s been breaking barriers as the first Black female mayor of Live Oak, Texas.

She’s been in her role as leader for over 15 years - unchallenged - and let me tell you, her story is a masterclass in resilience, emotional regulation, and leading through adversity.

Mayor Dennis gave us incredible insight into how to face challenges head-on without losing yourself in the process.

And the best part?

You can use her leadership lessons to manage not just your workplace and lifespace, but your holiday season space as well—and really, any time life throws challenges your way.

“No” Is Just a Word

One of the standout moments from our conversation was when Mayor Dennis said:

“I’m not afraid of ‘no.’ It’s just a word. ‘No’ doesn’t stop me. It’s part of the journey.”

Pause for a second.

Let that sink in.

How often have we let the fear of rejection or hearing the word “no” stop us in our tracks? Whether it’s in our careers, relationships, or even at family gatherings, we let that tiny word hold so much power over us.

But what if we looked at “no” differently? What if we saw it as just another part of the process—a stepping stone on the way to where we really want to be?

Mayor Dennis doesn’t let “no” derail her. Instead, she uses it as fuel to keep going. And I’ll tell you what, maybe that’s the mindset we need as we head into the holiday season.

This shift in perspective—learning to reframe rejection, conflict, and stress as just part of the journey—is the key to navigating not just the holidays but life itself.

It’s about managing your mind, mastering your thoughts, and learning that no one else’s thoughts or words have the power to define you.

Here’s the Real Shift:

The holidays (and life in general) don’t need to be a whirlwind of anxiety and overwhelm. You don’t have to be stuck in the same exhausting patterns, feeling like you’re drowning in expectations—your own and others’.

This is where Mind Management and Thought Work come in.

The work I teach is grounded in a simple truth: you are in control of how you experience your life.

It’s not about changing the people around you or the situations you find yourself in.

It's not even about changing any of the incredible qualities about you that make you exactly who you are.

And who you are is PERFECT.

Just as you are.

It’s simply about shifting your inner dialogue.

It’s about rewriting the narrative in your mind that keeps you stuck.

That's on loop.

Here's some real-talk from me to you...

Stress is often an automatic response driven by your brain’s survival mechanism.

Your nervous system goes into fight, flight, freeze, or fawn mode, and suddenly you’re reacting to things that aren’t actual, real threats. Those things just feel like they are a real threat to your person when the stress, anxiety, potential for conflict, someone snapping at you, your need to set a boundary or identify something inappropriate said at the table causing you to feel like you are spinning out into a panic attack... all of these things and so much more can blindside you in the midst of all of the holiday chaos.

But that is just your brain reacting.

It is just your automatic nervous system coming online - and you cannot stop that.

You can't.

But you CAN interrupt it once it starts.



And then... you can keep on trucking with a spring in your step.

No matter what.

Because, it's just your brain - as I have said many times - trying to protect you  from a perceived threat.

And guess what?

You can change that.

With the right tools, you can stop that cycle before it spirals.

You can manage your brain, regulate your emotions, and stay grounded

—even in the face of chaos.

The Key to Thriving (Not Just Surviving) This Holiday Season

The mind shift begins with understanding one simple fact: other people’s thoughts and actions don’t define you.

They are simply word salad generated by their brains, filtered through their experiences, and have no real bearing on your worth, your value, or reality.

And you do not need them to co-sign for you to believe in your own worth, value, and reality.

Especially people that aren't being kind.

It's not going to happen.

When you grasp this concept—really get it—it sets you free.

Free to enjoy the holiday season without letting external pressures get to you.

Because... so what.

Mayor Dennis helps us understand that other people's thoughts, feelings, actions, and words have zero bearing on how we should have our own backs, encourage ourselves from the inside out, and let other people just be who they are going to be.

I say, you be you, boo. 👻

What other people think, say, feel, and do about or around you has absolutely NOTHING to do with how you should feel about you.

Because you are amazing. 

And everything other people, regardless of how much sway they may hold in your life, everything other people feel, say, and do is entirely rooted in the thoughts their brain is automatically generating.

Based in, more often than not, nothing.

And those thoughts are not real.

Just like your own thoughts about yourself are not real...

As in, supported by any type of evidence that can be proven in a court of law and all humans can agree on...

They are not based in anything, often, but their own opinion - and more often than not, our opinions have been instilled and engrained in us because of the socialization and environments we have been steeped in our entire lives.

When you learn that nearly all of other people's opinions and expectations of you aren't even their own - they are just an echo chamber of their own experience, story, the beliefs they were taught by others, society, and their culture, etc., then you begin to have a powerful paradigm shift - a mind shift - and it can change everything.

You truly are set free.

Free to focus on what you want instead of what others expect.

Free to create emotional resilience and confidence from within - regardless of the perfect storm swirling without.

Just imagine not caring about other people’s opinions, reactions, expectations, or demands. Imagine how peaceful your holiday season could be if you could just let all that go.

And doing it all from an authentic place of unconditional love.


I said what I said.

Unconditional love.

What You Can Do Right Now

Because I know what it’s like to head into the holidays feeling like a pressure cooker is about to explode, I’ve created a FREE Mind Shift Holiday Preparation Guide: Leadership Lessons for Navigating Stress and Building Resilience Inspired by Mayor Mary Dennis  packed with practical tips to help you get ahead of the stress.

Inside, you’ll find strategies inspired by Mayor Dennis’s leadership lessons to:

  • Set healthy boundaries without the guilt.

  • Manage difficult people with grace and confidence.

  • Stop feeling terrible about things that aren’t your responsibility.

Download it here: Mind Shift Holiday Preparation Guide

I will also send you a unique link to a curated list of leadership resources that go hand-in-hand with Mayor Mary's take on life and leadership.

You can find this curated list on my brand new Amazon Storefront and just an FYI of how cool this thing is - if you decide to purchase one of these Pod14 resources from my storefront - a portion of your purchase comes back to the show, so you are, essentially, supporting the channel at no additional cost to you.

Apparently they feel I am an "influencer" or something, so they gave me an "influencer storefront?"

My friend - I don't know. 🤷🏻‍♀️

It's just too hilarious.

Look, I'm just a pissed off, old, Gen X, soccer mom, who loves Depeche Mode WAYYYYY too much, thinks everyone should live and breathe based on Haagen Dazs Carmel Cone pints, and jI ust want to earn your trust, helping you avoid all of the BS I have had to endure in my own life - cobbling together the tools and research in order to best this obnoxious stuff.

And I finally figured out how, so I want to share that with you, too! Because it works. And it's science.

And, did I mention, it works?

But - hey - my kids think being an "Amazon Influencer" is cool - so go check out the page and support the show because apparently that's what you will do when you grab stuff from there.

PLUS I am having fun with it and putting my fave recs and nonsense up there - stuff I have used and loved over the years, stuff I think is cool, and stuff I wish I had lol.

FE: I've got my favorite Texas Jewelry Designer, Kendra Scott curated up there, - most of what I wear on the pod is from her - my FAVE TBR rec list of my High Fantasy and Paranormal Romance NA/Adult Fiction obsession along with all of my favorite theology, philosophy, psychology and more book recs, podcasts, my fave skin care for creators, stuff my kids love... and so much more. And it's actually pretty fun.

So check it out!

So, who knew this would become my life in less than 6 months?

Solely because of learning the art of managing my brain and my inexplicable drive to share what changed my life with others...

This Amazon Infuencer Storefront thingy should be pretty solid evidence to attest to the power of thought work - because, this is bananas!

Y'all, we are going to hit 350,000 Subscribers on the Youtube Pod Channel in LESS THAN 6 MONTHS!Just, legit, banana pants... 


And because I know how powerful these tools are, I’m hosting a Flash Sale for my Mind Shift Essentials Masterclass - Rewrite Your Confidence, where I’ll teach you the exact steps to take control of your thoughts and emotions in any situation—holiday season or not AND open yourself up to what I call the Mind Shift that will blow open your world and launch you into a fifth dimension of your current reality.

Yeah... like an old lady like me becoming an "influencer." 


OK so, I am going to jumpstart your own Mind Shift with my Level 1 Thought Work Masterclass for only $57. 

(I normally offer this type of training for $197)

Here's the deets, friend:

Flash Sale: Masterclass Level I - The 3-Step Confidence Shift

So if you are finally ready to take control of your holiday stress and build unshakable confidence? My Level I Masterclass is on flash sale for 72 hours only.

In this 3-step foundational course, you’ll learn how to

  • shift your thoughts

  • regulate your emotions

  • build resilience

  • —so you can face any challenge with calm, clarity, and confidence.

In a 3-Step basics formula.

For a limited time, grab your spot for just $57 (normally $197).

You don’t want to miss this!

Final Thoughts: You Got This My Friend.

With the right tools and a shift in perspective, you can approach the holiday season differently this year. You don’t have to be a victim of your stress, your circumstances, or anyone else’s thoughts.

You. Don't.

You’re in control—and that control starts with your mind.

I can show you the first level of how to get kickstarted.



Grab your spot now!

So, take a breath. You’ve got this. Let’s make this holiday season one where you call the shots.

Talk soon,


Dr. Charlie M. Hornes

PS -

Mayor Mary teaches us from a vast catalogue, real life, real world experience, joy and heartbreak, lessons learned, and a one-of-a-kind heart. But you can accelerate towards that level of emotional intelligence just by learning how to manage your brain.

Here is your action plan:

  1. Grab your FREEBIE interactive guide: FREE Mind Shift Holiday Preparation Guide: Leadership Lessons for Navigating Stress and Building Resilience Inspired by Mayor Mary Dennis 

  2. Catch out latest POD14 episode - only if you want to experience joy, laughter, learning, heartbreak, resilience, and a lesson in "flapping your wings..." You have GOT TO hear Mayor Dennis. Yesterday. She is wise beyond words.

  3. Grab your spot for the  - one of 6 time slots only - Masterclass this weekend! Go HERE! OR

  4.  Check out my new Amazon Influencer Storefront to grab your Pod Resource Recs and just browse through the fun I am having digging through my life and finding my fave recs just for you! PLUS, you are doing an incredibly GOOD DEED because you are supporting our show at no additional cost to you - which is helping someone in our community get the valuable tools they need for the mind shift that will change their lives too.

PSS - Speaking of the Storefront...

So, want a shout-out on our Amazon Storefront, YouTube, and social media? Join our Amazon Recs Club! Share your favorite Amazon finds, get featured, and because you can help others discover amazing resources or just your fave fun stuff folks need to de-stress, disengage, and recharge!

As a member of our community, when you submit a rec, you’ll receive free instant access to my exclusive Boundaries Checklist and Cheatsheet—tools to help you set healthy boundaries and become a stronger leader in every part of your life.

Plus, any purchases made through your recommendations will help support the show—at no extra cost to you! Win-win, right? 💥

Join here, submit your recs, and watch for your shout-out! Once our team checks it out to ensure it will supplement our content, we will get it up there!

Go to for to submit your recs list now!

So, whatcha got?

~ C


What people are saying:

"First I want to thank Dr. Hornes for the invitation to share my story.  We all have a story and someone is waiting to hear it.  I was extremely honored to be a part of this amazing platform.  Charlie is very talented and professional in all aspects of her work.  She has a way of making you feel comfortable to share your thoughts in a way that does not feel awkward.  I was blessed to share my experiences and hopefully encourage others.  Keep being Great!"

~ Mayor Mary Dennis, Live Oak, TX.        

"Dr. Charlie Hornes is the real deal!  She knows how life experiences, circumstances and cultural norms influence all human relationships. Learning from her is enlightening, challenging, and practical!"

~ Lynette Solomon, MDiv, BCC.      

"Charlie’s wisdom and insight are matched by her wit and relatability. Everyone will want to tune in to everything she does!"

~ Joanna Rajendran 

Keynote Speaker, Mindset Mastery Coach, Author of MY GURU WEARS HEELS & the upcoming book BEST. LIFE. EVER.  

 "Dr. Charlie Hornes gives hands on practical advice for those dealing with trauma, stigma and generational division. I recommend her services to anyone sorting through their differentiation process to heal into their fuller and healthier self."

~ Dr. Katy Stenta, Spiritual Leader, Author, Blogger, Justice-Seeker 


#LeadershipLessons #Resilience #EmotionalResilience #MindManagement #ThoughtWork #ThoughtManagement #CognitiveBehavioral #EmotionalBoundaries #ConflictResolution #HealthyRelationships #ConfidenceBuilding #SelfImprovement #OvercomingSelfDoubt #PeoplePleasing #ManagingOverwhelm #MentalWellness #LeadershipDevelopment


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